by Stephanie DesOrmeaux
(Fairbanks, Alaska)
We are new to homeschooling having just completed 1 semester with boys, ages 7 and 11. Now the 15 y/o has asked to be thrown into the mix. However, he still will take a few classes at the local high school so this will be adjusted to fit times I will drive him to his classes. He loves to get up early so he will have his own schedule and will basically check off what he accomplishes.
8:30 Breakfast and devotions; beds should be made and rooms picked up by then.
9- I clean up kitchen and kids begin their school work:
11 y/o- math, grammar, reading, spelling/vocab
7 y/o- reading with me, math, spelling, handwriting
12- lunch & clean-up, a few chores like unloading dishwasher
1- Social studies/ science; projects
Fridays are reserved for follow-up, such as another step in an experiment, completion of projects. I plan to have the younger guys busy somehow for a few hours. The teen will probably still have schoolwork to complete.
Since we live in Alaska and face hours of darkness in winter, I am planning weekly trips to the library so that part of a school day will occur there in a study room. This will allow us to get out of the house. I am also planning for good afternoon breaks to allow for outside PE when we have daylight if the temp is warm enough so we can head outside for a little snowshoeing, cross country skiing, or downhill skiing. This will of course change when we move to my husband's next duty station.
I like the idea that homeschooling is a living breathing thing as someone else wrote on their homeschool schedule!
Jul 27, 21 08:57 AM
Jul 08, 20 06:47 AM
Jul 07, 20 09:02 PM