Read Alouds - The Slant Book
by Chris E
(Virginia, USA)

The Slant Book by Peter Newell is our favorite read aloud. It grabbed our attention first of all because of its obviously skewed shape(slanted - duh). Even the target audience of 4 to 8 year olds can see something is very, very wrong here - but fun! The slant is an integral part of the story as a runaway baby carriage careens through town on slapstick adventures.
This vintage reprint (and the author's other books from the early 1900's) all have a big illustration on each or alternating pages, plus a rich vocabulary* not found in many of today's books. Kids can learn painlessly from the hilarious rhyming text as they ask for these stories again and again!
His other books are: "The Topsys and Turvys" and "The Topsys and Turvys 2" are each like two books in one since the illustrations and text are written upside down too. "The Hole Book" and the "Rocket Book" each have a hole going through them that is part of the story, but "The Slant Book" remains our favorite.
Preview them with Amazon's "seach inside" or on Google books.
* consternation, dismay, elation - but all in context that makes them easily decipherable