by Bekki
(A Better Way to Homeschool)
designing a robotic hand
We have 5 boys and have home-schooled since our oldest was in first grade (he's currently a sophomore in College). What I love about homeschooling is the ability to customize each of our children's educations and focus on their areas of interest, passion, and talent.
We have a future history professor, foreign missionary, mechanical engineer, and farmer in our family (so far, the youngest's passions are still developing).
Being taught in a classroom with a bunch of other students is not the same thing as becoming a lifelong learner. When we focus on each childs passions and fit skills into those passions they become engaged and excited. This excitement causes them to want to know more.
They read, explore, and research out of curiosity and learn mountains more than they would have learned in a conventional classroom.
We love homeschooling!
Comments for Raising Lifelong Learners
Jul 27, 21 08:57 AM
Jul 08, 20 06:47 AM
Jul 07, 20 09:02 PM