by Cassandra D
(Gold Coast, Qld, Australia)
Hi there! My name is Cassandra & may I first say that this is possibly THE best web site I have discovered! I have only been an internet user for just on 12 months & finding sites like yours has made the internet my new best friend! Thank you soooo much for all the time and effort you have put into it - it is truly so amazing.
Okay, so here is my question!
I have a 6 yr old gorgeous and ulta-precious son, who spent just 2 months in a private school (& we all hugely disliked it), before we discovered homeschooling (which we knew NOTHING about previously). We are presently using the A.C.E curriculum, which is alright, but there seems to be lots of writing - which my darling child greatly dislikes!
What should I do about this?
Of course, along with not liking the whole writing thing, goes a general lack of enthusiasm to want to read (although he can).
He has come to associate 'learning' with reading & writing and therefore, mostly dislikes the whole term.
I feel sad about this, because I want the exact opposite for him.
Using your site, we are wanting to implement the TJ Ed approach to schooling. But until I actually get it into practice & read the books, do you have any advice? Should i push this issue or just not be concerned? Lately, I have been skipping over heaps of the material in the PACE's because it seems so repetitive, and because my son is bright, I have suggested we just do some of the pages & then the test page (to lessen the writing load).
Being so new & inexperienced with homeschooling, I am not sure if I am doing him a disservice or justice.
Thanks for your time - and thanks again for this marvellous site.
Comments for Homeschool Writing Help
Jul 27, 21 08:57 AM
Jul 08, 20 06:47 AM
Jul 07, 20 09:02 PM