Acrostic Poem

by Joanne
(Far North Qld)

An acrostic poem by DD10 on a subject very dear to her heart. :)

C close together forever
A always having fun
M making campfires
P putting the line out
I immersed in the great outdoors
N never ever sad; I'm
G going forever

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by Joanne
(Far North Qld, Australia)

These two Haikus were written by my DD, after reading a book of Haikus from Japan.


Steamy mountains rise
The sticky heat shuts me in
Tumbling grey clouds cry.

The lovely wind comes
Through the open house today
I feel it calm me.

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by Joanne
(Far North Qld)

This piece was written for a competition, the challenge, to describe your favourite place in Australia in less than 200 words. Here is the entry written by DD9.

I don't have to travel very far to be at my favourite place in Australia, so I get to spend lots of time there.

My special place is exciting, fun and loving. It is a beautiful place to be, full of music and mostly peaceful. Everybody loves and knows each other and works together helping one another.

At this special place, everyone likes to learn new things and relax and read. It is a colourful and artistic place where everyone is sharing and friendly. Nobody is ever bored whether it is raining or a sunny day. My special place is mostly neat, except when we are making things.

Do you know where my favourite place is? Yes, of's Home!

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Homeschoolers Write: My favourite Place in Australia

by Joanne
(Far North Qld)

This piece was written for a competition where kids between the ages of 8 and 12 could describe their favourite place in Australia in under 200 words. Here is the entry by DD10.

My favourite place in the world is Mt Isa, this is a special place to me because it is my birth place.

One day when I was being born a very special thing happened. There were no nurses around so Mum had to wait with Dad until someone could come. The only trouble is, they were too late!

Mum was laying down on a bench and I popped out like a space rocket. Guess what happened next? (This is the part why my birth place is my favourite place in the world.) Now I was going to fall right to the ground but, my very special Dad caught me; and when I thought about it, I'm glad Dad learnt to play football!

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Descriptive Writiing of where I live

by Hannah
(Wiseleigh, Victoria)

Hi I'm Hannah. I am 12 and I live in Wiseleigh.

Let me give you a description of the west view from our house. We are surrounded by paddocks, going all the way up a huge hill bordered by trees that go a long way left, right and back. We call it 'The Bush', and we sometimes go for walks there. There is a small valley with a few silver gums that sun will light up all of a sudden and make them sparkle. A recent house was just built in our view, but before that it was all just beauty. There is a great big dam at the bottom of the hill filled with lillie-pads, and when it floods a little a tiny stream flows down to a little dam to the north. There are a few trees dotted here and there, including a large silky-oak right in the middle. And, last of all, a single row of giant pine trees planted close together - either by man or by God - that watch over us by day and by night. I can't imagine our view without them.

There are always a few cows somewhere in our view, and this morning a tiny black calf with a white head was seen through my eyes, frolicking around it's mother and the other cows.

So far, it's peaceful, quiet and plain out beautiful. I hope it stays this way.

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