by Angela
(Indiana, USA)
Our day starts with the boys (7 and 4) waking up and playing quietly till Mom (that's me) and the two girls (2 and 6 months) wake up around 9am.
With my husband deployed this year, I find myself staying up later at night.
We all get dressed, which usually takes at least 30 minutes. The boys unload the dishwasher while I check on laundry. Then we eat breakfast together while I read a Bible story and we sing some Bible verse songs.
Then, every day is different. Some days we have some handwriting, math, and reading. Some days we read stories. Some days the kids just play together. Some days they just color for hours, maybe get the playdough out, watch the birds out the window, play our musical instruments, dance to music, recite poetry, help Mommy with whatever needs to be done, go shopping for care package things for Daddy, etc.
As you can see, we are a fairly relaxed family. But, the kids LOVE helping and we all LOVE learning new things and LOVE to see what comes with each new day God gives us. :)
Comments for Homeschool Schedule of the Military Family
Jul 27, 21 08:57 AM
Jul 08, 20 06:47 AM
Jul 07, 20 09:02 PM