Students study history chronologically and science in the order of the days of creation. This book will encourage, motivate you and instruct you, step by step, how to give your child a Bible focused, comprehensive education from preschool through high school; one that will train him or her to read, to study, to understand, to love to learn and most importantly to desire and seek true wisdom. This approach can be used for all grade levels. (from the HOW Website)
After reading the 70 page excerpt and having often spent time on the Heart of Wisdom webpages, all I can say is "Wow!"
Robin Sampson has created amazing resources to help you teach in a Biblical framework - Bible half the day and Academics the other half.
Using Charlotte Mason Methods in which children are motivated to examine, expand and excel in their learning.
There are huge resources available - internet links, pages for notebooking and countless articles to inspire, encourage and help.
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Read what other homeschooling families say about HOW.
The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach: Bible Based Homeschooling The best of all homeschooling methods, The Heart of Wisdom Teaching Approach is based on a variety of teaching approaches. Beginning with the Bible, a Hebraic model of education is employed, where the Bible is not viewed as a secondary subject, but rather as the basis and measure for all else. Charlotte Mason's methodology is also taught, using living books & oral narration, unit studies, notebooking, delight-directed learning, the four-step cycle and more. Rethink your entire model of education with enlightening chapters on the foundations of various worldviews, practical advice on how to implement "Bible-Based Homeschooling", an overview of different ways to learn and more. 504 pages, softcover. |
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