Feed 20 people for one day on $20 Word Art

This was a group project we did with teens. Divided teens into 2 groups. Object: Feed 20 people for one day with $20 with food that is nutritional. Groups brainstormed ideas and came up with a plan. The art element was : doodle or create a wordle (word art) to answer the following questions.
1. How did I feel about this project before I started. (Examples: Inadequate, Doubtful, Pessimistic.)
2. How do I feel now that the project is completed.(Confident, Enthusiastic, Valued for my ideas, Hopeful, Optimistic.)
3. What was the lesson I learned, and how can this be applied to other areas of my life. (Examples: I learned that what seems impossible, can actually be possible. Respect for others ideas, Teamwork, Cooperation, Brainstorming strategies, Endurance, Success is possible if one keeps trying to find a solution.)

I am sorry, I didn't keep copies of the doodles and wordles. So no pictures to submit. It was interesting to see the teens solidify what they learned through art. They loved the word art. We now use it to help study for science, language arts, etc.

Thanks for the opportunity to share.

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Jan 15, 2015
Thanks for the Doodle/ Word Art Idea
by: Marianne

This sounds like a great 'doodle' or wordle' idea.
It is a great way to combine thinking skills, word art, brainstorming in an artistic manner.

I would have loved to see the pages!

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