Creating Box World

by K
(NSW, Australia)

Box World - with Recycling Material

Box World - with Recycling Material

Box World is a wonderful, miniature world made from recycling boxes and bits. It is fun because we had to think of a type of building and then make it in our very own style. My favourite building, that I made, is a movie cinema. I put posters of all my favourite movies on the walls and made little cotton bud people with paper clothes. I really enjoyed helping to create this fantastic city. When it was put together it was an incredible sight!

Box World is a city made of boxes. There are large towers and small shops, just like a real city. My favourite building that I made is the “coffee Barn’. It has a large coffee warehouse where the coffee beans are ground and stored. There is a gift shop upstairs and a bridge with a lake underneath, where you can hire a boat and go rowing. There is also a little café where you can have a cup of coffee with your friends and family. I really had such a fantastic time building this city with my friends. I think it turned out really well.

Box World was amazingly incredible to construct and assemble. My favourite building was Star City because it had a large side water feature with glowing stars all over it. It is mainly a movie theatre but it also had cafes and gift shops. It’s difficult to make models and not burn your finger on the glue gun (which I did making Centre Point’s wires that support it!). I had lots of fun with Paige, Lauren and Suzanne and I am thrilled to have participated in constructing Box World.

Box World was amazing to build! I liked building the car park the most of all. It has 2 speed humps and 2 disabled parking spots. I also made a toyshop with a cantilever bridge attached to it. If you look under the car ramp you will see a mini Cooper car with Cooper driving it! I hope you enjoy looking at Box World!

I made the Macdonalds next to the mechanics. It was so much fun! I can’t wait to play with it!

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