Solo Build It! Makes Writing Websites even easier!
As I am writing this in March 2012, Sitesell is being updated with a new, exciting interface!
I wondered, "Can Solo Build It! (SBI) really keep on improving?" And they've done it again!
If you've been on my website before, it is no secret to you, that I appreciate Solo Build It! or should I say, "I Love SBI!" You may have read my Website Diary pages (Page 1, 2) which is my month by month web business building experience. Also see my video on the bottom of my SBI Diary 1.
Well, by the time I had worked with SBI for 1 year (in 2007), I understood what CTPM meant. As I continued on, I learned a whole lot about building traffic, inbound links monetizing strategies and far more. I learned about the power of Content 2.0 and how it works so well with SBI.
And as I have been learning and applying it to this site as well as a few more websites I have developed, Sitesell have been working behind the scenes on the latest $3.5 million development which makes building a site far, far easier than ever before.
It is being released any day now!
SBI gives you not only the smart, fast and sleek tools to design an amazing website, it also continues to overdeliver as it teaches you not only how to build a website, but to build a profitable incoming producing web business. Great course for homeschooled kids! Not all of my children are keen to be writers behind a computer screen, but 4 out of 6 have given it a go - one has now started his own business in search engine optimization, and two others are currently working through the action guide and building their sites.
It's fast, easy, fun to use and makes the SBIer even more effective than before. To be honest, the old blockbuilder was a big 'clunky' and slow to use block by block when creating a page. (not that it could be seen on the web, or on any results - but just as a web builder)
But, that's all gone with BB2!
Now you have:
I have used Blockbuilder 1 when I first started, and although it did the job, it was like building a page with training wheels. I then went to Dreamweaver ($$$) and uploaded my own html. Yes, very effective and great to use by pricey! I have used Wordpress for a very small community group site (not for business) and found it very difficult to work with. (always looking for a patch to fix some glitch - that's my experience anyhow). I have also now worked with BB2 - one in a trial group before it's official launch over the next two week. And the conclusion is:
If I began a new site today (which I will when BB2 is out!) - I will definitely be using BB2. Easy, professional, slick, available, accessible, everything on one page - top of the range!
What an exciting journey it is with SBI! and even more with BlockBuilder 2.0 - an even more remarkable product for the same price of $299US (still the same price!)
Wonder if you could do this too? Of course you can. Have a question? Ask it here
Yes! If I could do it - You can Do it with Solo Build
Do you have BAM? Brain, Attitude and Motivation?
Can you work as an independent and self-disciplined entrepreneur alongside a team of helpful SBIers who are walking the same journey?
If you can
Then you, or your children can build a profitable Web Business on your own. Subscribe to a free 4 Week E-course to learn more!
Build your own website business with the Help of Site Build It!
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What brought me to Solo Build It! in the first place? What were my first few months like?