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What Homeschool Bible Resources and curriculum will help you to teach the Bible truths to your children in your homeschool?
Teaching the Bible to our children should always have priority in our homeschool, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you need a curriculum to do it. Knowing God, trusting Him and applying Biblical truths to our lives should be all of life. We need to familiarize our children with God and His purposes and His dealings with mankind. We need to tell and re-tell the Biblical narratives and learn to see Christ in both the Old and New Testaments. We need to lay a foundation, a Biblical framework upon which our children will judge what is right and wrong.As a family, you need to decide:
Here are some Bible Resources which we have used (or which have been highly recommended) or which are on our homeschool "to buy" list.
Bible Reference Books
Bible Story Books
Family Devotions
Creation Apologetics
The Victor Journey Through the Bible
By V. Gilbert Beers / Cook Communications
You've read the Bible. Now experience the times and places where it all happened! Easy to read and topically arranged story by story, this unique resource shows you how ancient people really lived---what they ate, where they lived, and how they dressed. Plenty of full-color photographs, maps, drawings, and charts make this an unparalleled reference! 416 pages, hardcover.
Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible,
Read the best of Matthew Henry's classic commentary on the Bible in one convenient book. Henry's profound spiritual insights have touched lives for over 300 years. Indexed maps and charts make this a book any pastor, student, Bible teacher, or devotional reader will treasure!
The Big Picture & Bible Time Line
By Compiled by Carol Edie / Gospel Light
With the Big Picture Bible Time Line, you can bring the Bible to life for students of any age. Simple and bold, the visuals in this book are a perfect starting place for your Bible lessons, helping your students focus on the portions of Scripture youre teaching.
And when you put all the pieces of this Bible timeline together, you'll help your students get the big picture of the Bible. They'll see when Bible events happened in relation to each other and how those events all fit together into one story. Recommended for ages 6 to 12, grade s 1 to 6.
The Student Bible Atlas
By Tim Dowley -updated
This richly illustrated and informative guidebook gives students an introduction to the books of the Bible and shows what it was like to live during biblical times. It includes full-color charts, maps, photos, and illustrations throughout, a who's who of key people from the Old and New Testament, and special sections on farming, home life, work life, and religious activities.
The Family Worship Book: A Resource Book for Family Devotions Amidst the distractions of our busy lives, sometimes we forget that "the family that prays together stays together." Terry Johnson's Family Worship Book shows you why household devotions are important and how to get started. Sample outlines for services, prayers, calls to worship, creeds, a 3-year Bible reading plan, catechisms, texts of psalms and hymns, and more help you lead joyful, meaningful devotions for your loved ones. 197 pages, hardcover, Christian Focus. |
My Favourite!
Leading Little Ones to God Written in clear language, this classic Bible storybook gives you short devotions you can share with children. Each lesson includes a story, a Scripture verse to memorize, a prayer, and a song. It's a wonderful way for children to learn about who God is, why Jesus came to Earth, and how we should act today. 184 pages, softcover. Recommended for ages 4 to 10. |
Little Visits with God |
The Peep of Day Once a favorite devotional book for previous generations, this edition has been updated to include activities and discussion starters, which will help you and your family investigate the scriptures, do revision questions and just enjoy fellowship together with God. |
The Big Book of Questions & Answers About Jesus: A Family Guide to Jesus' Life and Ministry Following on from the success of the original Big Book of Questions and Answers, this book tackles the many questions that children have about Jesus, including: What was so special about Jesus? Why did Jesus heal sick people? Why did Jesus have to die? How can I give my life to Jesus? An invaluable tool for introducing children to Jesus and helping them to get to know Him better, in an enjoyable and interactive way. Recommended for ages 5 to 10. |
A Book for Family Worship "As parents," writes Cromarty, "we must face the grim reality that there is such a thing as 'original sin' and our children are all born into this world as sinners." Now this teacher, pastor, and father offers 52 devotional readings with discussion questions and prayers to help you show your children the only path to salvation. 175 pages, softcover from Evangelical Press. |
A Faith to Grow On Updated with an edgy, new design, this inspiring devotional from John MacArthur will help children through their growth spurts of faith. After children have come to accept Christ, a whole new series of questions can flood their hearts and minds. What should I do when I don't understand God? Is there a special way to pray? What if I tell someone about Jesus and nothing happens? As he did in I Believe in Jesus, MacArthur takes these and many more complex questions and presents them in a simple style that young minds can easily understand. He reinforces that understanding with Prayer Starters and daily prompts that help kids to apply their newfound wisdom to their lives each day. A helpful guide for young believers, this book presents foundational doctrines of the Christian faith in short devotional readings for daily growth. Recommended for ages 8 to 12. |
A Year With Your Children in the Bible The Scriptures exhort us to read and teach the Word of God to our children. In this book, the well-known and popular author Jim Cromarty provides parents, grandparents and all with responsibility for instructing children in the things of God with a tool to lead children through the message of the Bible in one year. The 366 daily readings sweep across the whole of Scripture, emphasizing the main themes of both the Old and New Testaments and enabling children to become familiar with the principal characters and events of the Bible. Key features of the book include: attractive presentation, one reading for each day, questions to discuss, sayings to remember and thoughts for prayer. An ideal resource for daily family worship. |
It is a great thing to choose a catechism to study with your family. The two above catechism resources are the Westminster Shorter Catechism and also the Heidelberg Catechism.
I love the way that the catechisms are also taught in a devotional way for teens in A Sure Thing, What We Believe and Why by Cornelius Plantinga, Jr. This is ideal for grades 8-10, the Student Book includes daily readings. The Leader's Edition includes background material to enhance understanding of the lessons, step-by-step procedures for each lesson, and lesson variations that can adapt to the specific needs of your students.
The Heidelberg Catechism was written in 1559 with 129 questions and answers written as a proclamation of Biblical faith. I have really enjoyed using this book based on the Heidelberg Catechism- great for new and mature believers.
Mere Christianity Arguably the 20th century's most influential Christian writer, C.S. Lewis sought to explain and defend the beliefs that nearly all Christians at all times hold in common. His simple yet deeply profound classic, originally delivered as a series of radio broadcasts, is a book to be thoroughly digested by believers and generously shared with skeptics. |
Thoughts for Young Men Anglican Bishop wrote about the Christian life in a way that combined a searching spiritual rigor with a wonderfully healthy balance. Thoughts for Young Men illustrates these qualities. It abounds in reliable counsel and says with a rare combination of seriousness and graciousness the very things we need to hear. Young men, for whom it was written, will find it invaluable; but all Christians, men or women, young or old, can read it with lasting benefit. |
Stop Dating the Church! Falling in Love with the Family of God Christ gave his life for the church, but many of us find it difficult to serve her for an hour or two a week. In Stop Dating the Church best-selling author Joshua Harris boldly challenges us to stop looking for churches that suit our lifestyle and expecting churches to meet our superficial needs. Instead, we should learn to love the church and serve her sacrificially. Take this opportunity to fully commit yourself to the church in the same in the same way that a bride commits herself to the groom. |
Know Why You Believe, Fifth Edition You're a reasonable person. And you know there are some tough questions that Christianity should be able to answer. Paul Little does just that, and in a way that Billy Graham lauds as "scholarly, articulate," and yet "simple." Revised and expanded to explore the central truths of Christianity in a more contemporary format, this bestseller examines the claims of the Christian faith. Discover for yourself what such great Christian minds as Bill Hybels, Josh McDowell and Ravi Zacharias have found to be a must-have classic for any critical thinker's library. |
How to Give Away Your Faith |
Chosen by God Predestination, says the author, isn't just for Calvinists. It is for all biblical Christians. Predestination doesn't create a whimsical or spiteful picture of God, but paints the portrait of a loving God who provides redemption for radically corrupt humans. There is mystery in God's ways, but not contradiction. Point by point, the author examines the scriptures on predestination and refutes the naysayers. Chosen by God is an excellent introduction to the Reformed or Calvinist view of God's sovereignty and God's election. |
How Now Shall We Live? Softcover If we are going to respond to Paul's command to "not conform any longer to the teaching of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind" we will need to develop a Christian worldview. In How Now Shall We Live Colson and Pearcey carefully lay the foundation of a Christian worldview and enable you to develop a Christian perspective on every aspect of life. If you want your faith to help you counter what your children are learning in school, challenge the decadence of popular culture and impact the lives of unsaved family and friends, consider How Now Shall We Live required reading! |
How Should We Then Live? Schaeffer's brilliant analysis of Western civilization from ancient Rome to the Atomic Age examines the breakdown of modern society in philosophy, theology, the arts, and morals. The only viable alternative, he says, is living by the Christian ethic, acceptance of God's revelation, and total affirmation of the Bible's values and meaning. A timeless classic. 288 pages, softcover from Crossway Books. |
I Kissed Dating Goodbye, A New Attitude Toward Romance and Relationships Are you fed up with the sham and charade of the dating game? Harris understands because he's been there. His honest and refreshing approach to dating challenges today's dating practices and offers practical, biblical alternatives. Discover how living a life of love, purity, and purposeful singleness can help you build godly, satisfying relationships. |
A great place to begin to teach your children about Creation Science and how we approach this as a Christian. You'll also find more of these resources on the homeschool science resources page.
The Great Dinosaur Mystery and the Bible Children are fascinated by dinosaurs but wonder how they fit into the Bible. Taylor presents dinosaurs as a part of God's wonderful creation, and uses them to introduce kids to important biblical concepts concerning creation, the nature of God, Noah's flood, Christ's redemption, and God's plan for the restoration of paradise. 62 colorfully illustrated pages, hardcover from Chariot. |
The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved! A Biblical View of These Amazing Creatures A rarely seen look at answering the questions associated with these "terrible lizards" from a creationist perspective. Internationally known author and speaker Ken Ham brings a "new way of thinking" to the table for Christians, emphasizing that in order to properly understand our world we must first look at Scripture. By going to the Bible first for answers, we begin to understand that the dinosaurs were alongside man from the beginning. Complete with stunning, computer-generated illustrations of dinosaurs, this book promises to be a mainstay of any family library. |
The New Answer Book One can either take the Bible as the basis for scientific truth or use ever-changing evolutionary assumptions as the foundation for your biblical and scientific knowledge. The Bible-as-base model resolves contradictions and gives concrete answers; the evolution-as-base model is as unsure as building a house on sand. Ken Ham knows this, and wants to provide families and individuals with the answers to questions raised by the media's wholesale acceptance of evolution, be it human or cosmic. Unafraid to take on the tough questions, Ham and the other authors he has assembled eviscerate notions of millions of years, gap theory, dinosaurs turning into birds, and a local flood. Moreover, they give the basic facts behind the Ice Age, distant starlight, carbon-14 and radiometric dating techniques, and the supposed proofs for evolution. Perhaps best of all, and what sets this book above others of its kind, are the final two chapters which are instructional to evangelism. Showing how this information can be used in witnessing and how dinosaurs can be used in spreading the Gospel message as given in the Creation narrative. Adults, kids, believers, nonbelielvers, creationist and evolutions can all benefit from this resource. |
The Lie: Evolution The Bible prophetically warns that in the last days false teachers will introduce destructive lies among the people. Their purpose is to bring God's truth into disrepute and to exploit believers by telling them made-up and imagined stories (see 2 Peter 2:1-3). Such a lie is among us - that lie is evolution! Today many laypeople, ministers and Christian educators are powerless in their presentation of the gospel. They have rejected Genesis, the foundation of biblical doctrine. They have believed the modern origins myth - evolution. This book is for you if:
Why Won't They Listen: The Power of Creation Evangelism A lot of time and money is spent by Christians who have a passion to spread the gospel. Across the globe, this effort is paying off as seakers find Christ, the source of truth and peace. In many cultures, though, appeals made on behalf of the Christian faith are met with blank stares, indifference, even mocking hostility. In this truly bold new book, Ken Ham presents an ambitious plan to fulfill the Great Commission. A compelling writer and speaker, Ham deftly exposes the great flaws of Darwinism, and shows how compromise with this philosophy of death is killing the Church. By urging Christians to stand on the veracity of the Bible, Ham clears the jungle of tangled views of reality, and helps committed Christians see the path to effective evangelism. |